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As winter approaches, consumers consider switching natural gas providers. We worked with Georgia Natural Gas and Tailfin to build an array of identity and promotional pieces that remind viewers of the incredible value GNG’s service provides. To speak to audiences on all sorts of screens, the pieces we created range from commercials to epic graphics for stadium displays.

I played a large role in these two projects as I developed the style, assisted in art directing, illustrated, and composited the final pieces. After delivering the fall campaign, the client was so happy with it that they came back and wanted us to develop a winter campaign. We were presented with the challenge of how to make the winter campaign feel like it's in the same world, but with a different vibe, using assets we already developed. Focussing on the idea that winter is still winter, even when it might not seem like it, we were able to come up with some fun moments that would help convince the audience that they do in fact still need Georgia Natural Gas.

As winter approaches, consumers consider switching natural gas providers. We worked with Georgia Natural Gas and Tailfin to build an array of identity and promotional pieces that remind viewers of the incredible value GNG’s service provides. To speak to audiences on all sorts of screens, the pieces we created range from commercials to epic graphics for stadium displays. I played a large role in these two projects as I developed the style, assisted in art directing, illustrated, and composited the final pieces. After delivering the fall campaign, the client was so happy with it that they came back and wanted us to develop a winter campaign. We were presented with the challenge of how to make the winter campaign feel like it's in the same world, but with a different vibe, using assets we already developed. Focussing on the idea that winter is still winter, even when it might not seem like it, we were able to come up with some fun moments that would help convince the audience that they do in fact still need Georgia Natural Gas.

Tailfin / Georgia Natural Gas


My Roles

Motion Design, Style Development, Compositing, Illustration




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